dijous, 7 de març del 2013

Harder than diamond: Graphene

Graphene is a substance composed of pure carbon, with atoms arranged in a regular hexagonal pattern similar to graphite, but in a one-atom thick sheet. It is very light, with a 1-square-meter sheet weighing only 0.77 milligrams.

Its discoverywas in the 30’s decade, but it wasn’t until 2004 that Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov got one crystal sheet of atoms. They both received the Nobel Prize in Physics at
2010, for theirs innovative experiments with the two-dimensional material, the Graphene. 

Graphene has a very high thermal and electric conductivity, it’s also a semiconductor material, with elasticity and hardness.
Graphene is the most resistant material in the word, more than diamond.
It is as light as carbon fiber, but it’s more flexible and elastic.
Graphene can react chemically with other substances to form other chemicals with different properties.
In the below diagram we can see the convertion of graphene into fullerene, carbon nanotube and graphite.

Graphene has very good properties which make it perfect to use in ICs. They are quiet, which make them useful for transistor channels. The only difficulty is that it’s very complicated to produce the material. The first tactile screen made of Graphene, was created on 2010 by Korean industries. Its length was 30inches and it could be rolled without broke.
Another use can be as a gas detector, because of his properties.

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